UniPiaget is an academic and administrative structure. It is subject to a mixed system of government that brings together the responsibilities arising from the statutes of each instance. Government bodies are made up of individual bodies and collegial bodies.
Prof. Doctor Joanita Cristina Rodrigues
PhD in Education (University of Santiago Compostela - Spain)
Dr. Maria Elizabete da Cruz Orrico de Pina
General Administrator
Postgraduate in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (UniPiaget of Cape Verde)
Prof. Doctor Dilson Fernandes Pereira
Vice - Rector
PhD in Chemistry (University of Porto - Portugal)
Mindelo Hub
Prof. Doctor Inês Teixeira Alves
Pro Rector
PhD in Artistic Education (Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto - Portugal)
Email: ita@cv.unipiaget.org
Dr. Ariana Marizia Sousa Lima Rego
Deputy Administrator
Degree in Sociology (UniPiaget of Cape Verde)
Email: arego@cv.unipiaget.org
consulting board, chaired by the General Administrator, Drª. Maria Elizabete da Cruz Orrico de Pina
General Council, chaired by the Magnificent Rector, Profª. Doctor Joanita Rodrigues
Scientific Council, chaired by Prof. Doctor Joanita Rodrigues
Pedagogical Council, chaired by Prof.ª Doctor Gertrudes Silva Oliveira
Disciplinary Council, chaired by Dr.ª Marlene de Jesus
Teaching and Research Units - Beach Campus
Prof.ª Doutora Gertrudes Silva Oliveira
PhD in Didactics and School Organization (University of Santiago de Compostela - Spain)
Director of the Units:
Exact Sciences, Technologies and Engineering – UCETE
Human, Social and Arts Sciences - UCHSA
Email: gso@cv.unipiaget.org
Prof. Doctor Ana Suzete Baessa Moniz
PhD in Nursing (Federal University of Rio Grande - Brazil)
Director of the Natural, Life and Environmental Sciences Unit - UCNVA
Email: azm@cv.unipiaget.org
Director of Administrative and Auxiliary Services – SAA
Master in School Administration and Pedagogical Supervision (Unipiaget of Cape Verde)
Email: vdelgado@cv.unipiaget.org
They ensure adequate administrative support for the normal functioning of the University,
in its academic aspects and provision of auxiliary services.
Eng. Jairson Monteiro Mendes
Director of the Technological Division – DT
Degree in Systems and IT Engineering (Unipiaget of Cape Verde)
Email: jmendes@cv.unipiaget.org
It is the organizational unit that ensures the functioning and management of the entire infrastructure of information and communication technologies existing at the University.
Master Leonilde Borges de Almeida
Director of the Communication and Image Office – GCI
Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management (UniPiaget of Cape Verde)
Email: laa@cv.unipiaget.org
Promote internal and external communication, publicize the University and its activities, frame, promote and monitor the University's institutional relationship with national and foreign media outlets.
Master Gilvan Vitor dos Santos
Documentation Services Coordinator – SD
Coordinator of the Studies and Planning Office – GEP
Coordinator of the Permanent Training Office – GFP
Master in Education (Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil)
Email: gvs@cv.unipiaget.org
Documentation Services - They perform functions in the areas of acquiring works and publications of a pedagogical, scientific and cultural nature; collection, processing and dissemination of documentation and information, with the mission of providing the University with the bibliographic resources necessary to carry out research, teaching and extension functions. Documentation Services also manages the Media Library.
Studies and Planning Office - Its mission is to assist the Administration and the Rectory in planning and organizing the technical and human resources available for the proper functioning of services and undergraduate courses, including the preparation of timetables, the organization of final and appeal assessments, the production of indicators management and evaluation of teaching staff performance. The GEP is also responsible for developing specific studies that facilitate decision-making by government bodies.
Ongoing Training Office - It is a space that promotes professional training activities in areas considered useful for the sustainable development of the country. In addition to the training actions that are part of the activity plan, the office also offers a custom training service, in response to specific requests from public administration -central and local-, public and private companies, international institutions that are partners of the University and other Cape Verdean civil society organizations.
Prof. Doctor Lara Ferrero Gómez
Director of the Center for Research, Institutional Relations and Advanced Training – CIRIFA
PhD in Biological Sciences and Molecular Biology (Autonomous University of Madrid - Spain)
Email: lfg@cv.unipiaget.org
Project assistant:
The Center for Research, Institutional Relations and Advanced Training has the mission of promoting scientific research and postgraduate training.
The center is responsible for processing proposals, carrying out and managing research and development projects, postgraduate studies and scientific events. CIRIFA is also responsible for processing proposals and managing the portfolio of advanced training protocols signed between, on the one hand, the University and selected members of its teaching and research staff and, on the other, between the University and other similar institutions. or not.
Prof. Doctor Dilson Fernandes Pereira
Director of Assessment and Quality Office - GAQ
PhD in Chemistry (University of Porto - Portugal)
Assessment and Quality Office (GAQ) is the service that deals with mechanisms related to the assessment of the dynamics of the Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde (UniPiaget), ensuring the continuous improvement of the quality policy at the university, through a set of actions , of which the carrying out of Institutional Self-Assessment (AAI) and support for External Assessment, carried out by an External Assessment Committee (CAE) appointed by the Higher Education Regulation Agency in Cape Verde (ARES), stand out.
Engº. Constantino Lopes Tavares Garcia
Distance Learning Laboratory Coordinator - LED
Degree in Systems and IT Engineering (Unipiaget of Cape Verde)
The Distance Education Laboratory is a research unit at the Jean Piaget University of Cavo Verde, responsible for the entire distance learning process in the form of e-learning and b-learning. Promoting the investigation and dissemination of activities that promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education. LED's mission is to promote a digital culture in teaching, training, research and provision of services that supports and supports the inclusion of people who choose UniPiaget-CV as their best higher education option. Its objectives are: 1 - Provide support to the university's internal community for teaching supported by information and communication technologies (ICT); 2 - Provide the creation of interaction spaces for the development of research supported by ICT; 3 - Develop projects and services that support digital education both for the internal community and abroad; 4 - Promote a culture of inclusion through ICT within the university, through permanent training; 5 - Encourage and support online, face-to-face and distance education actions and solutions.
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