Within the scope of the ERASMUS+ K171 mobility agreement between the Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde and the prestigious University of Granada (UGR) in Spain, the Director of CIRIFA, Doctor Lara Gomez and the technician from the Office of Studies and Planning Mr. Victor Lopes, at the 26th Staff Training Week: International Relations: Looking to the Future of the University of Granada (UGR) Spain.
Following the signing of the agreement between UniPiaget and the University of Granada in 2023, this is the first, mobility on the part of UniPiaget, towards the UGR. The first mobility agreement between the two institutions, which is valid for three years. As a result of this international collaboration, in January two Professors from UGR visited UniPiaget and also, in May, a professor and a PhD student from UniPiaget visited UGR.
This first visit to the UGR by the UniPiaget Internationalization staff has allowed us to learn about the functioning of the Vicerectorate of Internationalization, make contacts and seek synergies in different areas of activity. For this purpose, in addition to the scheduled activities, Prof. Doctor Lara and Mr. Vitor had meetings with: the Director of the International Projects Office, the Director of Development Cooperation, the Institute of Biotechnology, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Vicerectorate of Academic Ordination and Professorships, the Office of Studies in Assessment of Teaching Staff and the Department of Planning and scheduling of school hours.
The University of Granada has more than 1400 bilateral mobility agreements, with more than 900 higher education institutions, recognized with the ERASMUS Gold Star Award for being the first European university in the ERASMUS+ programs.
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