Initial Pedagogical Training for Trainers – 100 hours, 10 Credits
More than developing pedagogical skills, this course allows the development of personal and social skills such as improving communication and public speaking, assertiveness, leadership, and conflict management, among others.
At the end of the training, future trainers should be able to:
Evaluate the profile of the trainer’s role in the context of globalization;
Distinguish the trainer's skills and their role in different training contexts, through the characterization of training systems, discrimination of the skills required of the trainer in the systems in which they operate, and self-assessment against the desirable skills profile;
Choose and apply the pedagogical methods and techniques most appropriate to the objectives, target audiences and training context;
Select, design and adapt the didactic resources in diverse supports depending on the pedagogical strategy adopted;
Build and apply assessment instruments based on previously defined objectives, which allow the verification and control of learning results, efficiency and effectiveness of training;
Prepare a training session plan, and establish a pedagogical relationship that facilitates the learning processes;
Reflect on the content learned throughout the course, while self-evaluating criticism, presenting suggestions and proposals that could contribute to improving the training system at a technical-pedagogical and/or organizational level.
Target Audience
This course is intended for individuals with a technical-pedagogical and socio-professional aptitude to provide training in their professional or academic specialization, showing motivation to perform the role of a trainer.
It is also aimed at those who wish to acquire and improve technical-pedagogical skills necessary for the proper planning, animation, and evaluation of professional training activities.
Course Content
Module I - Professional Training in the Context of Globalization: Applications to Cape Verde
Module II - Initial Pedagogical Simulation for Trainers
Module III - Learning Factors and Processes
Module IV - Emotional Intelligence
Module V - Pedagogical Relationship and Group Animation: Climate and Learning Environments
Module VI - Teaching Resources
Module VII - Assessment of Learning and Training: Different Assessment Modalities
Module VIII - Planning and Promotion of Training Activities – Training Modalities
Module IX - Final Pedagogical Simulation and Autoscopy
Trainees will receive a certificate of competence in Initial Pedagogical Training for Trainers, provided they attend at least 90% of the training load.
Registrations Open Until:
September 26, 2022
Training Period
Training is scheduled from October 3 to November 14, 2022
Limited to 22 trainees
Necessary documents
Completed Registration Form: (editable document)
Copy of valid Identification Document (BI/CNI/Passport)
NIF declaration
Certificate of Literary Qualifications
Updated Curriculum Vitae
1 Passport Photograph
Value of Training
30,000$00 CVE paid at the time of registration, or paid in installments in 2 installments, the 1st being 50% paid at the time of registration and the 2nd to be paid one week before the end of the training (date to be indicated at the beginning of the training)
Telephone:+238 231 05 44
Bank data
Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde
Interatlantic Bank
Account No.: 135227810001
NIB: 0005 0000 01352278101 97
IBAN: CV64500000135227810000
Cape Verde Economic Bank
Account No.: 2658352010001
NIB: 0002 0000 26583520101 44
IBAN: CV64 0002 0000 26583520101 44
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